I've solved a small mystery. I discovered embarrassingly late that I had NOT registered for Bouchercon 2011. And with a convention I regularly attend, I always try before the end of the event to register for the next one--how had I missed registering for St. Louis while in SF in 2010?
Fortunately I figured this in out time to register for St. Louis and be included in the programming. And because I am a con addict, while I was in the dealer's room in St. Louis, I made sure to register for the Bouchercons in Cleveland (2012), Albany (2013), and Long Beach (2014). I'd have registered for Raleigh (2015) if I'd found them.
Then, shortly after I returned home, Margery Mogg, the Cleveland registrar, told me that I'd already registered with them. So I didn't forget to register for the next Bouchercon while I was in SF, I just got confused about which one came next.
Raleigh? As in North Carolina???
Posted by: Kate Mahony | October 04, 2011 at 12:21 PM
Yes, Bouchercon will be coming to Raleigh, NC! Hurray! I always love having conventions within driving distance, and the Triangle area's one of my favorites places to visit.
Posted by: Donna Andrews | October 04, 2011 at 12:42 PM