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Dearest Donna:
You wrote perceptively: "..why bother if the victim's death and recruitment to the undead are inevitable?"

We are then faced with a moral/ethical conundrum -- if we deprogram a vampire, are we violating the "right to choose?"

It is currently being argued in a class action suit against "Van Helsing, et al"
that so-called "curative," "defangimg" and "deprogramming" activities are nothing more than violations of the individuals right to make "informed and or consentual lifestyle decicisions."
This may be especially applicable in situations where the individual became a vampire in their own home, as a vampire may not enter a domicile uninvited. The very act of permission granting implies a willingness to interact with, and engage in social intercourse with the allowed guest in a manner consistent with the wishes of each. To argue that the recently innaugerated blood sucker was deceived or coerced is only sustainable if the so-called victim personally objects to the outcome of the interaction. If the objection is raised by family members or friends, and not the individual, then we have direct interference in "adult choices within a free society."
As there are legal precedents in this matter (see for example the law suits against so-called "cult deprogrammers") I am watching this recent class action suit with great interest.

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